Wednesday 15 June 2011


The two above photos that are attached to this entry are the production schedule we are planning to carry out on the 17th and 18th June. Basically, we seeked permissions from Help-Estate and Help-Library to carry out the filming at certain locations for example: 

  1. Level 1, Library, around the round tables.
  2. E3 Entrance into the library towards the reel room.
  3. Inside TRCC theatre
  4. Reflection pond
  5. Lawn
  6. E3 Walkway

Below is the initial script that we are going to use for our production:

The script was done by the team : Foursome. It was then proceeded to allow both our advisor: David Cheng and the clients: Kuah Leng Li to look through the scripts, proposed location and the suggested visuals. From there, they started to input some of their suggestions and amend the script. 

Awaiting for the day of full video filming FIRST ROUND on the 17th June! 

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