Tuesday 14 June 2011

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Teaser - meet up
Meeting up during the holidays for the Teaser
6th-10th June 2011

During this June holidays, a few of us have met up to edit and to come up with a new video. We met up to edit and improvise on the original teaser video by trying out the comments on the teaser which the client gave it to us. David, our FYP advisor, came in while we are still imprvising on the teaser commented on the video. He said that our fonts and typography is too small for the viewers to read because it will be very small when our clients placed it in the school's website. So we have all the fonts and wordings enlarged. 

But on Wednesday, David came into the studio and told us that the video is not as good and that we have to kind of re-do it again. And he came in after that with his thumb drive and wanted to inspire us with some of the videos. After that we got two days to re-do the video, making references and using more effects to bring out the purposes of the teaser while trying to maintain the essence that attracts the viewers.

We spent almost the whole day of everyday in the vista lab to do  and edit our videos to improvise on the teaser, making references and refining David's comments on the teaser.

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