Thursday 21 July 2011


This is our first time meeting the clients after we edited the Spoof video. It's out first round of editing thus we need to make some changes that are expected form them. Based on their level of standards and expectations, the comments we garnered are basically minor thus we are happy that we have not much things to amend as we have at least reached their minimum expectations. The comments given are mainly on the funny effects on the Spoof video and we also need to include the main color of CED which is a combination of yellow and white. We are also asked to add a bit of the storyline so that the video will look more interesting.

The clients felt that after the second round of editing, we are able to burn the final Spoof video into DVD and upload to Youtube. We are glad that we do not need to spend more time on Spoof editing as we still have a full video to work on. At least, we are confirmed that Spoof and Teaser are done! In the midst of another round of editing for spoof, we also plan the dates for booking of vista labs so that we are able to edit our full video. David Cheng gave us some feedbacks and some techniques to make our spoof more entertaining.

I guess... The team can have a few days off since we have done most of the work and we've also planned on what we should do next! :)

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