Friday 29 July 2011


After we've all finalized on the Spoof video, the next thing we have to do is the editing of full video. The team have used three days to edit the full video and if necessary, we have to make some changes according to our advisor: David Cheng's and Clients' feedbacks.

These four days of editing (26th July - 29th July) have allowed us to fully utilize our members' skills and also from the previous two editing, we have learnt from there. Thus, it enables us to speed up the process. But nevertheless, we still need approval from both sides to wrap up the full video.

After four days of editing, we felt that the audio isn't strong enough. Therefore, we need to arrange another day of recording Glenn's voiceover so that we are able to mix the voiceover together with the visuals. Thus, we have decided to arrange the recording on the 25th August when both the client and Glenn are available.

Stay tuned for the next recording!

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