Monday, 27 June 2011


From the date of 15 June till date, we still have some elements that we have to amend.

Things that are to change: 

  1. RP logo. (New RP logo are made and thus we have to incorporate the new logo into our Symposium teaser.)
  2. To include a credits page at the end of the video.
Besides the amendments of the teaser, we also have to do a recee location for the spoof video. It'll be done on the 1st July. We'll be doing a recee location at CED department office and the area near the lift in the morning at 830AM. We'll then proceed with the dance training with the staffs from CED department. 900 - 1030AM 

The dance steps are lead by two of our members who have a bit of experience on dance. Thus, they are the ones who taught the dance steps to the staffs and the other two members were in charge of audio and observing how the staffs dance and if there steps were correctly done. 

Based on what they have learnt, we have decided to put the actual filming on the 8th July. 

1230 - 1400PM. But due to some situations we have, for example, the staffs had to go for meetings and teachings, so we will have to shorten the filming period to about 1.5 hours. Due to the time constraint, the team need to be more co-operative on what to do and we have to supervise the staffs that day so that there will be not many NGs to be taken.

Friday, 17 June 2011


Problems that were faced by the team. The equipments are too heavy for four girls to carry it around. Hence we decided to start off with the furthest venue then move our way in to the nearest venue. However, we faced difficulties when setting up the equipments as the boom mic is not working - speaker doesn't have sound. The audio man finds it hard for recognize Glenn's voice and the surrounding. Thus, we spend an extra time to fix the problem but we still managed to overcome it.

Another problem was the weather. It's very humid and we also need to adjust Glenn's position as the shadow is too harsh on Glenn. We tried a few times on where we should place Glenn to cast a more satisfying shadow behind him. The team felt sorry for Glenn as he's wearing a suit.

We tried to follow the production schedule but ended up, we still change the venue sequence due to weather and human traffic, If there's a heavy human traffic, we cannot proceed on with our production as we felt that might interfere with the shots that we are taking. Glenn made a few changes to the script but thankfully, it's all minor changes. We thanked Glenn for making time for us but we stills acted quite some time as we all have to film some NGs. As Geraldine and Sharon are having lessons after 12PM, they can only helped till noon. We end the whole filming at about 430PM and we meet Geraldine and Sharon at about 530PM.

Overal,, the filming experience is not bad as we used some of the equipments that we hardly used. We views the videos from laptop once we gathered together. From there, we pick up a few of the best shots and decided to re-shoot one of these days.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011


The two above photos that are attached to this entry are the production schedule we are planning to carry out on the 17th and 18th June. Basically, we seeked permissions from Help-Estate and Help-Library to carry out the filming at certain locations for example: 

  1. Level 1, Library, around the round tables.
  2. E3 Entrance into the library towards the reel room.
  3. Inside TRCC theatre
  4. Reflection pond
  5. Lawn
  6. E3 Walkway

Below is the initial script that we are going to use for our production:

The script was done by the team : Foursome. It was then proceeded to allow both our advisor: David Cheng and the clients: Kuah Leng Li to look through the scripts, proposed location and the suggested visuals. From there, they started to input some of their suggestions and amend the script. 

Awaiting for the day of full video filming FIRST ROUND on the 17th June! 


Yes, it's the day when the team have to prepare in the early morning for the equipments that are needed and went on to the office. 900 - 1030AM. We have to placed our equipments based on the planning that we had earlier on. 1st July.

Thus, we now had a rough idea in mind of the different filming techniques we have to incorporate and the different spots that we can placed our camcorder and the tripod. Firstly, we took 2 camcorder and attached it to the tripod stand then we shorten the height and placed in ontop of the staffs' cabinets. We wanted different views of the shots therefore, we placed one of it at the back of the office and the other one and the front but facing more to the side which are able to capture their facial expressions when they are dancing.

Things were funny as some of them are still not very familiar with the steps but, we are glad that we did not take too much time on the NGs. After giving guidance to the team, the staffs managed to take cue and know when to start and stop.

After the indoor shot, we moved on to the outdoor shot. The area where it's just near the lifts. We asked them to stand in 4 lines and DANCE! The two cameraman, Geraldine and Li Jun captured their NGs and also some nice shots which we felt we are able to make it into a nice spoof. The outdoor scene were almost the same as the indoor scene, just that we wanted to make the whole video to look as if the staffs danced from their office to the lifts; like a transitions that are going on.

After which, we went back to the office to shoot the scene where the staffs will sit in 2 rows, facing each other. They will then do some hands actions, and at the same time, they will have to listen to the cue of the team and stand up one by one. Followed by a shout of "CED" and Jump!

I suppose both the team and the staffs did enjoyed for the whole process. It was a great experience for all of us as we have no idea that we could come up with such a plan for the staffs. It was indeed a learning experience, allowing us to learn how to give instructions and to decide what do we have to do for the next step.

Is this called PBL in RP? Haha! Self-exploring and self-learning.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011


During the past few weeks of our FYP, we did the editing of teaser according to our client's and David's expectations and together with our skills and creativity, we edited the teaser based on typography. Basically, we edited a lot on the font types as well as the visuals part on how we arranged the words to make a more simple yet classic theme.

Thus, we get some references from David and also, we researched on our own. Based on those references, we refer and did on some trial and error on the transitions to allow the words to appear. We explored every single effects on Premier pro but we felt that it is very limited. We felt that it will be best if we could use After Effects as well.

Besides doing the teaser, we also came up with the script and storyboard for the full video. We also have a concept for the spoof video as well.

The below is the script and the location that we came up with for the full video. 

We have came up a concept for the spoof video as I've already mentioned earlier. This is the reference that we got from Youtube;

Based on the music video above, we would try to make the spoof video as amazing as possible. Instead of letting the staff dance like professionals, we would invent some dance steps for them to follow through.

Hopefully, our video will go on smoothly without any 'hiccups'! Oh yes, there will be a meeting with clients later at 2pm. Hopefully, they will feel pleased with our hard work and effort!

We'll be doing a filming on the 15th June for the Spoof video! Excited!!

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Teaser - meet up
Meeting up during the holidays for the Teaser
6th-10th June 2011

During this June holidays, a few of us have met up to edit and to come up with a new video. We met up to edit and improvise on the original teaser video by trying out the comments on the teaser which the client gave it to us. David, our FYP advisor, came in while we are still imprvising on the teaser commented on the video. He said that our fonts and typography is too small for the viewers to read because it will be very small when our clients placed it in the school's website. So we have all the fonts and wordings enlarged. 

But on Wednesday, David came into the studio and told us that the video is not as good and that we have to kind of re-do it again. And he came in after that with his thumb drive and wanted to inspire us with some of the videos. After that we got two days to re-do the video, making references and using more effects to bring out the purposes of the teaser while trying to maintain the essence that attracts the viewers.

We spent almost the whole day of everyday in the vista lab to do  and edit our videos to improvise on the teaser, making references and refining David's comments on the teaser.